Saturday, February 16, 2008

Control your lifestyle to check your blood pressure

Lifestyle is the way you live your life. It is what you eat and drink, what activities you participate in (or don't), whether or not you smoke, and how you handle stress.
To many, healthy lifestyle changes alone can bring high blood pressure down to normal. If your blood pressure is not dangerously high, it is worth trying lifestyle changes before moving on to other treatment options, such as medications. If your lifestyle changes work, you need to continue them. You also need to have your blood pressure measured regularly, to be sure that it remains normal.
Lifestyle changes can help many people maintain a healthy blood pressure. These changes are especially important for people at special risk for getting high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes are also helpful for people whose blood pressure is made worse by heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol and diabetes.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats a good post to motivate blood pressure check ups. i agree with you.. life is getting more busier every day and sometimes can burst too.. it is good to have control for better health.